Monday, June 7, 2010

Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis aka New Cathedral - Corpus Christi pt 1

Sorry this post is late, blogger has been difficult....

I'm breaking this post up into 2:  Part 1 will concern the Corpus Christi Mass and Part 2 will be about the Corpus Christi Procession.

I attended the 5 pm Vigil for Corpus Christi celebrated by Archbishop Carlson at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.  I did notice that Archbishop Carlson wasn't wearing his pallium and I was curious as to why.

The Cathedral Choir was in attendance and sang beautifully.  Instead of being in the choir loft, they were behind the main altar.
The music:
Choral Prelude:  I Am the Living Bread
Gathering Hymn:  Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Gloria:  Glory to God (the one commissioned for when Pope John Paul II)
Sequence:  Laud O Zion (short form, chanted)
Alleluia:  Festival Alleluia
Offertory Anthem:  O Sacrum Convivium (chanted in Latin!)
Holy, Holy, Holy, Memorial Acclamation and Great Amen:  Mass for the City
Lamb of God:  Holy Cross Mass
Communion Anthem:  Tantum Ergo
Communion Procession:  O Blessed Savior
Exposition Hymn:  O Saving Victim
Recessional Hymn:  Christ is the Bread of Life

I really like going to Mass when the Archbishop is around.  Incense always appears!  As always, the Mass was reverent.  Archbishop Carlson used Eucharistic Prayer III.

His homily was excellent.  He started talking about how Corpus Christi used to be on Thursday to remind us of Holy Thursday when the Eucharist was instituted.  Have we given thanks for the Eucharist?  Jesus remains with us in the Holy Eucharist; this is why Jesus instituted the Eucharist, because he wanted to remain with us  Archbishop Carlson quoted St. Thomas Aquinas and Pope John Paul II about reaffirming our commitment and publicly proclaiming for all we will be like those that followed Christ when He was on Earth.  We are like them, rag-tag (hey! I dressed nice for Mass for a change!) and imperfect.  We must bring our own gifts to Christ. We are invited to to reconfirm our Faith like the Martyrs, no matter the cost.  After Communion you are like a tabernacle.  Have you given thanks?  Eucharist is food for the Journey.

Sacred Oils and top of Baptismal Font

Ceiling behind the Altar

Blessed Sacrament Chapel



An Angel 
found in the Sanctuary

St. Louis becomes a Third Order Franciscan

Previous Visits #1 and #2

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