Hello. Thank you to my many followers who sent me emails of support and encouragement. Since my favorite place to go to Mass is on summer break, guess I'll keep going.
I had intended to go to another Our Lady church but I couldn't leave the Jakester by himself so long. I was going to different church but when scoping out the Church discovered who was preaching this weekend and decided in the interest of Christian charity to go elsewhere. I ended up attending the 10 am Mass at St. Pius V on South Grand.
St. Pius V is an older church that still has most of its old decorations. Mass was nearly full and was full of many different ethnicities. There were also many young families so Mass was a little on the loud side.
The music was accompanied by a choir and band (with tambourine!). Instead of being in the choir loft, pews on the far left side in the front were taken out for the choir. It was hard to hear the choir at times over the trumpet.
Gathering: Lift Up Your Hearts
Mass Setting: Mass of Glory
Preparation of the Gifts: Worthy is the Lamb
Communion: How Great Thou Art
Communion Meditation: I Cannot Tell It All performed (yes I mean performed by the choir) Spontaneous clapping occurred and then clapping afterwards. Good thing I don't go for that praying thing after Communion.
Going Forth: Christ the Lord is Risen Today!
There was a baptism! The Church has a new member, Fiona! YAY!!!!!! Father sprinkled everyone. I got drenched.
Father started off his homily talking about Mr. Rogers. When Mr. Rogers was a young boy, he would get scared by some of the news stories. His mother told him to look for the helpers. Mr. Rogers was comforted by so many caring people in the world. In any bad news or disaster, there is always someone helping. We can see this in our lives. Look for the helpers; they are a sign of Christ. Christ was a helper. Jesus promises not to leave us. His promise is fulfilled in helpers. We are called to be helpers. We are called to be good. Father then reminded us why the Sprinkling Rite is added in the Easter Season; to remind us of our Baptism. It's summertime. There is no downtime for being Christ or for being a helper. Now is the time to help. Helpers are a sign Christ is still present. With Grace we can be helpers.
Father chanted the Opening Prayer, the Preface and the Consecration. He used Eucharistic Prayer III and there were no bells. At the end of Mass, Father asked us to bless the new parents, so we all saluted er blessed them.
There was a
second collection for Joplin MO.
Achievements of Pope St. Pius V
Above Main Doors
St. Louis IX, St. Francis Cabrini, St. Vincent de Paul
St. Jean Vianney, Infant of Prague, St. Pius
(The statue of St. Jean Vianney is so old, it has Blessed on it!)
View from the Back Pew!
John Baptizing Jesus
In the old Baptistry, which is now a cry area
St. Cecilia
On the way to the choir loft
Angel on stairs to choir loft
Chapel for the Departed Souls
Station VIII
Betrothal/Wedding of Mary and Joseph
Flight into Egypt
Holy Family
Jesus in the Temple
Jesus and Mary
Upper Windows
They are in sets of 3.
The middle window is a Marian Symbol, in this case 2 birds.
The symbols on the left and right are symbols of saints.
The right is a crozier.
I'm not sure what the left is.
Website of St. Pius V
Pictures from Rome of the West