St. Agnes was established as a mission in 1835 and as a full-fledged parish in 1848. The cornerstone on the Church is from 1992. I suspect the windows were saved from the old Church because they don't match the style of windows from churches in the late 1980s/early 1990s but rather seem to be more 1800ish. Which, if you ask me, is pretty awesome to save the windows!
I attended the 10 am Mass on February 27.
There was a teenage choir accompanied by an organ.
Opening: Here I Am Lord
Offertory: Table of Plenty
Communion: Come Lord Jesus and My Heart Belongs to You
Closing: Canticle of the Sun
I didn't recognize the Mass Setting at all. The Great Amen went "We Sing Amen..with Faith, Hope and Love...We Sing Amen.
Pardon me while I discuss music selection at Mass. Today's First Reading was Isaiah 49. The Gospel talked about seeking the Kingdom of God and God's Eye being on the sparrow. Hey guess what? If you open your Spirit and Song book or Glory and Praise (today's music books) you'll find a song called Isaiah 49. It's the reading. Set to music. I know there are songs called Seek Ye First and Eye on the Sparrow. I was taught, as part of the requirements for being Confirmed, how to plan a Liturgy, which included picking out music. The music chosen is to reflect the readings or if Father has his homily planned early, some aspect of the homily. How is this so hard? The music today (and this happens alot actually) had nothing to do with the readings! This was a perfect time to sing Isaiah 49 and Seek Ye First!!!
The homily was given by the Deacon. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that's why it is called the present. We worry and are anxious. He once read an article that he can't find now about 10 ways to increase happiness and increase your lifespan.
1. sleep
2. exercise
3. happy marriage
4. limit stress and anxiety.
He forgot the rest.
The Deacon had the altar boy drag over a big bag in which there was baggage such as jealousy, addiction, prejudice, and assorted vices to represent the baggage we carry. Society spends a great deal of money on counseling because of worry, anxiety and stress. All you need is the Good Book. (uh. uh. nice.) Pray to deal with worry. God takes your burden. St. Augusting was a great baggage carrier thanks to his mother St. Monica (uh...uh...) Only in God is my soul at rest.
Father used Eucharistic Prayer III and there were bells. The Prayer to St. Michael was said at the end of Mass.
St. Agnes
The view from the Interstate.
What the Old Church looked like.
This was a board from that Church.
View From the Back Pew
Ridin' the cloud!
I like this statue for some reason...maybe the cloud is hiding skates!
St. Agnes
Holy Spirit
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Station VIII
Information from St. Louis Archdiocese