Monday, February 14, 2011

Our Lady of Lourdes - University City

Hi all!  Sorry for the late post.  I celebrated St. Valentine's Day with a special someone last night.  :)
Thank you for all your prayers, my knee is better and I'm able to hobble around with crutches.  I will say it has been an exercise in charity and humility.  I can't kneel and feel more sympathy for those that can't.  So I managed to go to Our Lady of Lourdes in University City, because February 11 was the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Our Lady of Lourdes reminds me of a Norman style church in the English or French countryside.  It looks similar to St. Michael, St. James the Greater, and Sts. Mary and Joseph.  It is very classically decorated.

The music was lovely, with the choir in the choir loft accompanied by the organ.
Opening:  I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Offertory:  sung by choir, We Will Serve?
Communion:  Where Charity and Love Prevail
Communion Meditation:  O Blessed Savior
Recessional:  Love Divine, All Love Excelling
I know the Mass Parts were Mass of Creation, I'm not sure about the Gloria.  It sounded like the one used at the Cathedral.

Father's homily was essentially built around an analogy about first getting your driver's license as a teenager.  The first thing you learn in driver's ed is the laws.  When you finally get to drive, you focus on all the laws and not on the driving.  Do you live life like you when you first drove?  It is more than following laws to get into heaven.  We try, but Jesus knows we don't succeed all the time.  Our lives are not meant to follow laws but to get us to Heaven.  Moral Theologians are today's Pharisees (uh oh)  There are essentially 2 camps:  everything is wrong or everything can be excused.  We are not meant to fulfill laws, laws are meant to help us to live and show our love for God and other.   Jesus fulfilled all laws.

Father used Eucharistic Prayer III and there were no bells.  It was a very nice Mass.  The parish seems vibrant and does have youth Masses as well.

It is really hard to take pictures with crutches.  Sorry there aren't as many as usual.

Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady 
A mosaic found in the vestibule

View From the Back Pew

Angel Watching Over


Rose Window

Window Behind Altar


Website of Our Lady of Lourdes
Pictures from Rome of the West

1 comment:

  1. I love the looks of the church. Thanks for sharing every week
