This morning (July 3) I attended the 11 am Mass at Most Sacred Heart in Eureka. The Church was dedicated in 2001. It is very lovely. I was rather confused. There was traditional stained glass (instead of more symbolic stained glass)! There were statues and not just a token statue of Mary! There was a choir loft and the choir was in it (with an organ)!!! I thought it was very lovely inside.
The music was more traditional as well.
Processional: I Heard the Voice of Jesus
Offertory: Be Thou My Vision
Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat
Recessional: Holy God We Praise Thy Name
Father's homily started off with how priests move around a great deal and when he taught at high schools, Father moved around a great deal. At one particular parish, there was a live-in housekeeper, which was quickly becoming a thing of the past. This women fulfilled her duties with a vengeance. Then she got cancer. Because she lived in the rectory, she had nowhere else to go, and a rectory is no place to be sick. When Father went to visit her, there was a beehive of activity around her. She had always been good to others now it was payback time. She was compassionate and was able to accept the compassion of those around her. Then there was talk about a secret shrimp gumbo recipe. Father then connected this story to the Gospel. This Gospel reassures us. Who does not need Jesus to relieve them? (Probably a baseball team with decent relief pitchers....) Father then explained that a yoke was used to tie beasts of burden together to get them to walk in the same direction. Jesus wants us to tie or yoke to Him and to each other.
Father used Eucharistic Prayer III and there were bells. The altar girls wore nice shoes! The white things that go over the cassock were really long, like what seminarians wear long.
Most Sacred Heart
Angel at Main Doors
Found on floor in Narthex
Our Lady of Life
View From the Back Pew!
Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Crucifixion
The upper window is loaves and fishes
the window to the left is a pelican feeding her young
the window to the right is the sacrifical lamb
The Pieta
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Anne and Mary
Station VIII
Holy Spirit
The Flood and the Covenant
Parting of the Red Sea
St. John the Baptist baptizes Jesus
Found behind the Baptismal Font
Jesus with children
Loaves and Fishes
Washing the feet of the Apostles
Immaculate Heart of Mary
(From original church)
Sacred Heart
(Statue from Original Church)
St. Francis of Assisi and St. Mary Margaret Aloque
(St. Liborous was also in a window, but he's blurry)
Patrons of the Archdiocese of St. Louis
Pictures from Rome of the West
Website of Most Sacred Heart
Wow! Very nice for a modern church! I love how Jesus has his sacred heart in all the stained glass windows!