Sunday, September 7, 2014

St. Michael - West Memphis

Hello all.  I went to Memphis to look at a possible basset hound for me to adopt.  She totally snubbed me so I'm still looking.  Since I was on that side of the state, I attended St. Michael in West Memphis.

I attended the 5 pm Vigil on Saturday.  It was pretty full.  St. Michael's was a nice little church and the people seemed friendly.

Music:  Apparently the organist didn't come, so Father randomly picked songs.
Opening:  We Gather Together
Offertory:  Amazing Grace
Communion:  Silence
Closing:  Now Thank We All Our God

I really like our nuns but sometimes we drive each other crazy (I see).  Father then related a story about how he and Sister were driving somewhere and Father asked Sister to give the trucker the finger (the scandal).  So Sister gave him a thumbs up.  In today's Gospel, Jesus says if something bothers you, you need to address it yourself.  But we don't do that.  We go to the authorities first.  We go the person last.  Cops say domestic disputes are the worst, because there are no winners.  When we have a problem with another person we gossip or call the authorities but we don't confront that person.  It is very difficult.  We don't like to be confrontational. (some of us live for confrontation....)  When someone is bothering us, ask is it worth it?  Is it worth getting the authorities involved?  Look at your priorities.  Let it go instead of making a big deal out of it.  If you don't like something that a priest does, don't call the bishop first, let it go (somebody's gotten in trouble....).  We have to stop passive-aggressive behavior (*blink* but it is so much *fun*).

Father used one of the Eucharistic Prayers for Various was all about love.  There were bells at the Consecration.

I was impressed.  Mass was over in 33 minutes.


St. Michael - West Memphis 

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