Monday, December 6, 2010

St. Nicholas

As I write this, it is now the Feast of St. Nicholas!  I hope you were all good little boys and girls and St. Nicholas put oranges in your shoes and not onions and you got lots of candy!

St. Nicholas is on the northern edge of downtown, next to the Washington area.  St. Nicholas is predominately African-American and the statues and such reflect that.  There was even a shrine to St. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The music today was provided the Children's Choir.
Opening:  Preparing the Way for the Lord
Offertory:  The Lord is My Light and My Salvation
Communion:  Instrumental
Recessional:  This Little Light of Mine

There was an interpretive dance after Communion.  It was kind of like jazz and ballet mixed together.

There was a ritual to light the Advent wreath. After the opening prayer, there was a reading and a reflection about heralds.  The the Advent Candles were lit and the family received a special blessing.

Father's homily started off with asking the children about Advent.  In Advent, we are preparing the way for the Lord.  Father then asked us all about the highways and interstates.  When you build a highway, you want it straight and you want a clear path.  So to in this season of Advent.  We need to prepare our homes and hearts for Jesus.  Clear out the obstacles, which are sin.    Father then had a mini-homily for the children.  He asked them to pray, "Lord, Help Me to Be Peaceful"  The first reading is peaceful.  The wolf is a guest of the lamb.  There will be peace and harmony.  Everyone will be on the same page.  What is your priority in life (DISCOURSE ANALYSIS!!!! MY DISSERTATION!!!!)?  Is it the right priority (uhhhhh)?  How do you prepare for the Christmas season?  Everything is so hectic, with no time to pray.  Take a step back.

Everyone in church held hands for the Our Father and made a big chain.  Father used Eucharistic Prayer II and there were bells at the Consecration.

Also, St. Nicholas is hosting a priest from Poland and Rome, who is in town for 6 weeks to learn English.

Everyone seemed friendly, although there were some people suspicious as to why I was there.

Exterior of St. Nicholas
The Nativity is already out!

Back Wall.
I think that is the Kwanzaa thing.
I didn't think Kwanzaa was Catholic.
Uhm.  I thought we had you know Christmas.

This was on the top of the above picture


St. Joseph

View From The Back Pew

Advent Wreath

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Shrine
VIII:  Jesus with the Holy Women

I'm not sure what Gospel story this matches.
It's Jesus being forgiving I think

Jesus with the children

Jesus with the woman who anointed His Feet
and washed them with her hair.

Jesus raising the girl from the dead.

Jesus with the Samarian woman.

Jesus with Mary and Martha

Jesus with the Rich Man

Jesus Calming the Storm

Sister Thea Bowman
St. Charles Lawanga
St. Monica and Young St. Augustine
St. Martin De Porres

Jesus and Mary
King and Queen of Africa
And the whole world

Website of St. Nicholas
Pictures from Rome of the West

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