Sunday, November 3, 2013

St. Mary of the Springs - Hot Springs

Good Sunday Evening to you all.  I'm running a little behind so bear with me :)

Friday, November 1, was the Feast of All Saints.  I had made plans to spend the day exploring Hot Springs so what better way to start the day then going to Mass?

Shockingly (not if you know me)  I got lost on the way to the Church.  I was 5 minutes late.  Mass was already midway through the First Reading.  I attended the 8 am Mass at St. Mary of the Springs.

Music was provided by a cantor and a pianist in the loft!
Opening:  By All Your Saints Still Striving
Setting: Mass of Renewal
Offertory: Holy Holy Holy
Communion: The Lord is My Light
Closing:  Sing With All the Saints in Glory

Beloved, we are God's children now.  We don't know what we will be; it has not been revealed to us.  The Church is three things:  militant, triumphant, and suffering.  We are now the Church Militant.  We are celebrating the Church Triumphant today.  It is the essence of our calling:  to be saints.  St. Paul always called people saints to remind them as calling.  When it is revealed to us, we will be like God.  This is why at Baptism we are sealed with Christ's cross.  The seal is a mark of authority.  We became God's children.  We have been claimed by God.  If you want to follow Christ, you must take up your cross.  That is our symbol.  Within this cross there is blessing.  When we bless in the Church we always include the cross.  John saw a vision of people in white robes with a seal.  They have survived the Great Distress, they have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb.  This is who we celebrate today.  The ultimate goal is to be like God.  We celebrate those that are not officially canonized today.  What we are today, they were.  We will be like them.  Jesus gave us Beautitudes as a new law, it's experience vs. expectation.  Blessed are the Pure in Heart, they will see in God.  This is what we celebrate today.  Only those pure in heart help to see God.  We need God's assistance to see Him.  We must respond to God's Love and give to others.  Saints are all about humility.

Eucharistic Prayer 2 was used and there were bells.


St. Mary of the Springs

View from the Back Pew!





Holy Orders


Anointing of the Sick

Mary and Child

Station VIII

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

St. Mary of the Springs

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