Sunday, June 3, 2012

St. John the Baptist

I hope everyone had a Blessed Trinity.  I had to work, so I landed up attending the 4:30 pm Vigil at St. John the Baptist in South City.

St. John the Baptist is a lovely church built in 1925.  The parish was founded in 1914.

For the first 15-20 or so minutes of Mass, I was the youngest, if not the youngest, person in the pews.  I'm not all that young...  This was kind of shocking...

The music was accompanied by a guitar in the choir loft.  Instead of having the song numbers on the hymn board, the songs were announced at each point.  Except I couldn't understand what they were saying.  Think Peanuts adults.
Opening: Glory and Praise to Our God
Mass Setting:  Mass of Christ the Savior
Offertory:  God Beyond All Names
Communion:  Pan de Vida (wow.  I don't think I've heard this since high school...)
Closing:  Holy God We Praise Thy Name
(I suppose it was too much to ask for to have a song about the O Most Holy Trinity)

Father's Homily:
This Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.  This is a great mystery of our Faith.  It is the foundation of our Faith.  The Trinity is family.  Scripture gives many explanations.  There is a second mystery.  (how about we get the first one cleared up...)  First is the blessed Trinity.  We remember this by making the Sign of the Cross.  It is an easy mystery to express (but apparently not to explain...)  The second mystery is we know who God is (we do?), but what is God in our lives, in the world (unloved by many I'm guessing...), in our lives (I'll buy that...God is a mystery in my life...).  What is He saying to us?  God brought us into the world to have an intimate (GOD WANTS TO GO STEADY WITH ME!!!) and personal relationship (oh.  nevermind).  He wants to dwell within us all our lives.  We have been adopted by Him at Baptism.  He has given us His divine love.  He is talking to us (then why can't I hear Him?)  It is all over the Gospels.  He sent His Son to teach us.  Then the Holy Spirit.  To show His divine love.  Work of the Blessed Trinity is personal.  It is the most important relationship.  As you get older, you might get it. It is very clear in the Gospel.  It is very personal.  I share my authority.  It is a blessing of Baptism.  He will give us power to carry out His mission into the world.  Go to all peoples.  Baptize them in the name of the Trinity.  Teach them all I have told you.  We are sent into the world to carry Jesus' mission.  We have the power to baptize in an emergency. (YAY!  I don't need to be a woman priest.  I just need an emergency!)  Teach young people to respect and do God's will.  Seems like a lot of responsibility but don't worry.  Jesus is with us until the end of the age.

Father used Eucharistic Prayer II and there were bells.

It was a typical South City Mass.  Oh and the parish picnic is Wednesday, June, 6!


St. John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist

View from the Back Pew!

Holy Family Shrine

Station VIII

Website of St. John the Baptist
Pictures from Rome of the West

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